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"Girl Robot" from, Alka Mehta's "Never Been Touched", underlabstudios RENDA WRITER and Rap video "Slow Down"

Views: 5007
Posted by actorschecklist
17 years ago
Tags: girl, blonde, robot, singapore, asian, alka, mehta, poet, spoken, word, poetry, hip, hop, rap, martial, art, music, musical, lyrics, indian, fight, funny, comic

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This month on video you will see trailers and video clips of Singapore based film Director Alka C. Mehta ( making a return to the news summary with "Never Been Touched," a film making several stops on the international festival circuit, coming on the heels of her debut at last year's Cannes with God's Own Devil; underlabstudios' ( / Florida rap music video from the soundtrack of the film "Self:Direction 7", directed by J. Vinazza; RENDA WRITER - spoken word poet, with lyrics/vocals by Renda Writer ( and edgy music video "Slow Down" from Pilot Rai (, featuring The 7th Direction; "Girl Robot," a made for the web musical directed by Ricky Marson, and in the process of being written with a new song released every month ( / The Actor's Checklist now lets you check the latest musical artists song releases on Apple's iTunes, updated on an hourly basis, at:

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