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UK Soul Songstress, Bukola, The Milgram Experiment, Parody Hip Hop Rap Duo Tommy C and Joey McG, featured on Video With October Media Events Report

Views: 3653
Posted by actorschecklist
16 years ago
Tags: soul, rhythm, bukola, hip, hop, rap, milgram, experiment, south, africa, music, lyrics, girls, actor, con, man, cyprus, love, funny, comedy

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This month on video you will see trailers and video clips of The Milgram Experiment - ; a Moving Art Picture film by Maxwell Addae following the story of a pair of career con artists who have mastered the art of wielding the power of authoritative figure; the antics reflected by their comedy skits and parody hip hop tunes of acting duo Tommy C and Joey McG - ; Hear the soulful, break beat, hip-hop style of UK based songstress, Bukola - ; whose debut album "Which Way" is officially released on October 29.

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